Playground Advantages of Artificial Turf

Artificial turf is a top choice for playground surfaces in terms of safety and appearance. It also tends to be a big selling point when it comes time to sell your house. Many people consider it a luxury and a relief from the upkeep that other playground surfaces require. This is why installing synthetic grass at your home will significantly increase the value of your home. It just tends to be very beneficial in the eyes of a homeowner.

While you do have a few options, most people are unaware that fake grass may be used in playgrounds. Wood chips or gravel are popular playground surfaces, but they are not as safe when it comes to preventing cuts and scrapes from falls. Artificial grass is an excellent choice for playgrounds since it is attractive and provides a comfortable landing. Most people aren’t aware that artificial turf isn’t the real thing because it appears so natural. You’ll appreciate not just the aesthetics and safety, but also the numerous other advantages of installing artificial turf on a playground.

A Safer Alternative.

As much as we try to, as parents, it’s just impossible to catch every fall. What matters most, when they do fall, is where they land. When it comes to safety, artificial grass outperforms all other surfaces.

  • The artificial grass provides a cushioned, spongy, and soft surface to prevent children from serious injuries or unexpected falls.
  • It’s also a great option for persons with physical limitations who require a flat surface to walk on. Artificial grass replaces other options such as gravel or wood chips in this regard. Because of the uneven terrain, those solutions carry a considerable risk of injury.

It’s Tidy.

Wood chips literally get everywhere especially in areas where kids are running around. The only way to remove wood chips out of the surrounding areas where they don’t belong is by picking them out by hand. This can be very tedious! Also, because kids play hard, a lot of debris ends up in their hair, on their clothes, in their shoes, and eventually follows them about the house. You don’t have to worry about fake turf getting all over the place. Parents will appreciate cleaner kids after a playdate on the playground.

There Will Be No Flooding.

Most surfaces, including natural grass, are susceptible to flooding, particularly in locations where heavy rains occur. Flooding can take a long time to drain, leaving children without playing, and if they go on the playground too quickly, you could end up with a major mess. Artificial grass, on the other hand, has a fantastic drainage system that greatly aids in keeping the area flood-free.


On playground surfaces, insecticides and/or herbicides are frequently applied to prevent bug and weed infestations. Artificial grass does not require any chemicals, making it environmentally friendly. The only upkeep these grasses require is raking to remove trash every now and again. You end up eliminating the usage of polluting equipment that is used to maintain natural grass because you are drastically reducing maintenance.


We understand if the initial expense of putting artificial grass makes you apprehensive, but the savings in maintenance costs will far outweigh the upfront price over the life of the turf. Consider how much money you’ll save on chemicals, fertilizers, water, and upkeep costs that you won’t require. The nicest aspect is that it will remain green all year.

Allergies Are Reduced.

Many people suffer from allergies, particularly grass allergies. Artificial grass is very beneficial for children and people who are allergic to natural grasses. Allergies affect pets as well, so it can be a huge relief for them.

At Artificial Grass Turf Warehouse, we realize how difficult it may be to make the switch. However, this is precisely why we make it a point to accompany you on this journey. Please call 844-768-8873 and one of our knowledgeable professionals can assist you in selecting the best turf for your playground.

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