Hosting an outdoor get-together can be a lot of work, but it can also be extremely gratifying. If you’re planning on hosting an outdoor gathering this summer then utilize these tips to help your experience be more enjoyable. At Artificial Turf Factory Outlet, our turf will save you time in terms of preparation and cleanup. You won’t have to worry about your grass looking its best or worry about the sprinklers going off. The best part is you won’t be left with damage from the high foot traffic and extra furniture on your lawn because our turf is tough and durable.
Reduced Preparation Time
The wonderful thing about summers is the beautiful evening weather that allows for perfect BBQs, games, and good family time. As you get towards the end of summer you can always be prepared for the cooler nights by having a few standing heaters and some soft blankets. When it comes to preparing your space for the party, installing synthetic grass will help you decrease your outside care in half. No toxic pesticides, mowing, or watering are required to maintain our artificial grass. It retains its magnificent, emerald green color throughout the year, so there’s no need to spend time or money keeping your lawn presentable for your guests…it does that itself! There’s also no need to be concerned with last-minute summer storms that decide to roll in. Our patented drainage system allows your artificial turf to dry shortly after it has stopped raining. You won’t have to worry about a flooded lawn and muddy shoes.
Be Entertainment Ready
Our Putting Green Max is perfect for a variety of outdoor games including golf, bocce, checkers, and much more. Installing a mini putting green in your backyard will sure to be a hit at your party. You can also utilize it as entertainment for yourself and for your family year-round. Our Putting Green Max features the same cutting-edge technology as our other synthetic grass varieties. Outdoor games that are built-in to your lawn add a lovely design element to your backyard. You don’t just benefit from artificial grass at a party. Installing artificial turf can greatly increase the value of your home due to the many benefits artificial turf provides like:
Reduced Clean-up Time
Say bye to brown patches or bald spots in your lawn after the party because our artificial turf is incredibly durable. No need to worry about kids running around, heavy furniture on the lawn, or rough play from a friendly game of football. Your artificial lawn will appear just as pristine as it did at the start of your get-together. Simply fluff the area to make a crease disappear and to straighten the blades. Your turf will be as good as new.
We’d love to come alongside you to help you come up with a perfect plan for backyard entertainment. Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve your outdoor hosting dreams. Call the Artificial Turf Factory Outlet at (888) 707-0794 and one of our professional technicians will help you get started.